Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 7 jaren, 7 maanden geleden
Hello Jeroen,
maybe you have news for me about my “Hansdfree Problem” ?
BR Juergen
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren geleden
Hello Jeroen,
I´ve testet the new skin and it works. Thank you. Only a little flickering i´ve seen.
Maybe this is a timing problem. Every 100ms i think. I do not have this information. Only this:
0x470, messagelänge: 8.
Byte[0] = 0x20 wenn der RF-Gang eingelegt ist und
Byte[0] = 0x00 wenn der RF-Gang wieder raus is…[Verder lezen] -
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren geleden
Hello Jeroen,
Thanks, on your PI Board how much ohm are the resistors? 1k Ohm like your picture or 10K ohm?
BR Juergen
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren geleden
We can use the two Buttons S1 and S2 from PI Can Board and the red LED for status. (when switch gear to backward, LED is on and off when driving forwards)
1.7. LED
There is a red LED fitted to the board. This is connected to GPIO22.
1.8. Not Fitted Items
The board has footprint for two mini push buttons S1 and S2, they are connected…[Verder lezen] -
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 1 maand geleden
Hello Jeroen,
I have an solution for my Reverse Vehicle Signal Problem. I found out that i can simulate the switch signal with following Can ID
cansend can0 470#20 simuliert umschaltsignal am Kufatec Multimediaadapter
in Can ID 351 do not get the reverse Signal. Wen i send 351#02 i see that the ENS-E will switch to Revert in engeneering Mode.…[Verder lezen]
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 1 maand geleden
Good Morning,
I wish you nice holiday.– Yesterday i have retried my tests with “send to FIS Option”. I don´t know that i do not need the Plugin “Kodi to FIS”. I´ve uninstalled it and do the tests again.
Now the results are promising. When i activate one of the Can IDs in the list the flickering will stop and mute from FSE is off. I can hear t…[Verder lezen] -
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 1 maand geleden
Hallo Jeroen,
!Happy New Year!
I´ve testet each options step by step. No option will overwrite the FIS. The penultimate entry (772500FFCFAA2A) will slow down the flickering a little bit.
Two other things I noticed:
– If i deactivate the Plugin “Send Kodi to FIS”, Kodi Skin will freeze. Music will playing in background, but i can´t controll Kodi w…[Verder lezen] -
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Thank you so much.I would ask you an other thing. You have an Kufatec Multimedia Interface Plus witch Rear view Cam, right? Douse your A4 switche the Video Signal via Can Message? In my car the switch over from Viedeo imput to Rear View Cam dousn´t work. I beleave my car will not send the “drive backwards” Signal via Can Message to…[Verder lezen]
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Thank you so much.I would ask you an other thing. You have an Kufatec Multimedia Interface Plus witch Rear view Cam, right? Douse your A4 switche the Video Signal via Can Message? In my car the switch over from Viedeo imput to Rear View Cam dousn´t work. I beleave my car will not send the “drive backwards” Signal via Can Message to…[Verder lezen]
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Hello Jeroen,
Yes, the last logfiles are trash. Thats my fault, because i have changed something with VCDS in the thelefoninterface. I have deactivate “display call informations in Fis”.
Now you have new log liles.
Log files from 20:58 are showing syncronysing the Phonebook
Log files from 21:13 will show an incomming call.I hope thats…[Verder lezen]
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Hello Jeroen,
Thanks for your explanation. I have uploded new logfiles from Saturday. These are lögs from incomming call without activated Addons. Tomorror i will generate new logs with aktivated
“send to FIS” Adds and will recive a call. 🙂BR Jürgen
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Hello Jeroen
thanks for your fast reply.
#While logging this, I saw you pressed the up and down buttons of your steering wheel. Also I saw some Rns-e button activities.
#Can you remember what was drawn in your FIS (upper 2 lines, and maybe the middle part of the display)?I have no MFSW in my car. Maybe i presst the up and down buttons on for…[Verder lezen]
Janssuuh en
Jürgen zijn nu vrienden 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Dank je, is dat je een andere logs moeten schrijf dan naar mij.
BR Jürgen
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Hi Jeroen,
i´ve uploaded the files.
Following informations for you,I Used a “IMA Box Basic plus” an an original “Audi FSE”
When i enable “write to FIS” in Kodi RNSE Skin or activate “can to display add on” then i have this flapping Display in FIS and mute RNS-E is on. (no sounds from IMA. Audio imput comes from FSE)Both devices will write…[Verder lezen]
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Hello Jeroen,
Good news, one Problem i´ve fixed: “Kodi Skin do not display RPM, Speed, wather temp or Headlights”. I have installed an old version of pyton-can. My fault. 😉
The flickering content to my FIS:
I have can logliles created. Can i send you this files via email?BR Jürgen
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Hi Jeroen,
I´m driving a A4 B6 (BY 2003). So it shold give no Problems?
Yes, Rns-e backlights switch on when i switch on my headlights.Witch logs should i send you?
BR Jürgen
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
Hello Jeroen,
I will try this option this week and send you the can logs.
The second Problem i have: Kodi Skin do not display RPM, Speed, wather temp or Headlights. All this parameters will read from Infotainment Can, properly? All other features workin great. When i turn off ignition the rasparry shut down correctly. All RNS-E Buttons will…[Verder lezen]
Jürgen reageerde in het onderwerp Python – Kodi naar FIS in het forum Audi Can-Bus Forum 8 jaren, 2 maanden geleden
ich habe folgendes Problem mit dem „Plugin Send Kodi to FIS“. Anscheinend gibt es Probleme mit dem originalen Audi Bluetooth Telefon Interface. Dieses schaltet automatisch auf Stummschaltung sobald ich das Plugin im Kodi aktiviere. Dann wechselt die Anzeige im Kombiinstument immer zwischen Kodi und TV Tuner oder Telefoninterface.
Kö…[Verder lezen] -
Jürgen is geregistreerd als lid 8 jaren, 3 maanden geleden