Reageer op: Kodi op Raspbian


Hi Peter.
I was experiencing that kind of problem, and it was because of the hardpython script.
Please check that when you were setting up the PI, you did not add this lines, because in the full version of the skin they are not needed:

sudo nano /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_can-1.4.3-py2.7.egg/can/interfaces/
Last command will open editor, which you need to use to add two lines in the correct location:
can.rc[‘interface’] = ‘socketcan_ctypes’
can.rc[‘channel’] = ‘can0’

As for the hardpython script, you have to download the zip file from this fórum, in the Python can topic.
1) Then unzip it and rename the folder to “hardbyte-python”.
2) Copy this folder to /home/pi
3) Enter it (cd /home/pi/hardbyte-python)
4) run this command: sudo python install
Another thing is, don’t install retro pie script and follow the tutorial is this site.

If any of you start to have problems with usb pendrive detection, on kodi, i found out how to solve it:
1) Install de package: sudo apt-get install usbmount
2) run: sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service
3) Change MountFlags=slave to MountFlags=shared
4) Reboot

At the moment in my A4 B6, all is working except for the water values, withe the car off shows 0ºC, but as i start the car it shows 150ºC and goes up and up.

Jeroen, if you see any mistake in this post, please say so.
Best regards, Rui