Reageer op: Kodi op Raspbian


Hey Jeroen,
i found the Problem but i cant solve it.

So i restore my SD Card and do the Update Outside the Car connected via Cable.
All is Fine and Working on my Desktop, so i step into the Car.

Same Problem if i activate the Skin, the Videooutput stops, but no ID Problem anymore.

So i disconnect one of the Canbus Cables and Video Signal comes back.
If i connect it again Signal goes away.

So any Canbus message must blocked the VideoModul.
Is it possible to figured out with one? Is it possible to deactivate some canbus scripts by hand?

I have make the Video from the Situation 🙂 :

so i backuped my sd Card and Kodi 15 with 0.30 is working fine.

Did u have any ideas?

Thank u