Reageer op: Kodi op Raspbian


Thanks a lot, man! Your site and help rocks!

I ordered the PiCAN2-Board from SK Pang today. If it arrives by (hopefully) next week, I will connect it to my CAN-Bus. So it isn’t urgent to make the skin run with Krypton.

Indeed there is a twisted pair of H-and-L-Canwire in the trunk of my Avant, but this is only for the Comfort-CAN. The A6 4F has three different CAN-Networks: Engine-CAN, Comfort-CAN (Controlling Ignition, Doors, Windows, Lights, …) and Multimedia-CAN.

The controls on the steering wheel use the CAN-Bus, while the Main-Control in the Center-Console uses RS232-Serial-Protocol to send its commands to the MMI-Headunit. What a mess. But we will see, as soon as we can do some logging and sniffing. ;-P

Best regards,