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A more reliable method is by using a technique called Song Flashing which uses weapon swaps to cancel songs.
13 Nov 2004 Stat Point Allocation IV. Skill Point Allocation V. Leveling Guide VI. How to Become a Bard / Dancer VII. Skills VIII. Equipment IX. In Action X.
31 Oct 2017
5 May 2016 As a Bard/Dancer you can equip both bows and instruments (Bards)/whips (Dancers). You can use daggers too, but why would you?
22 Jan 2013 posted in Ragnarok 1 Community Chat: i have just turning into bard and while job changing bard and i couldn’t get the harp from that bard.what is the bard equipment? Raydric Muffler or Whisper Muffler if you’re AGI Build
25 Jan 2017
17 Sep 2004 Jath’s Bard FAQ V. 3.0 3.0 I revamped my guide again ^^ I have weapon, but it is my personal belief that it is cheap* for a bard to use a bow.Bard and Dancer is a combo class to fully utilize their skills. Ragnarok Online Revo-Classic Guides . After you pass the singing test, you’ll have an option to change to bard immediately or you can give him the following items in exchange of
1 Jul 2018 Because the bard is extremely underplayed and undervalued I decided to make a basic guide too show off the awesomeness of the Bard class! To bec Weapon: +10 Gakkung [2] with 2x Archer Skel (Or Hydra for WoE)
9 Apr 2018 The Bards of Ragnarok Online are the right choice for the idealists . In pre-renewal this was a popular melee build with weapon, but due to
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