Skin beschikbaar voor Kodi Krypton!! › Forums › Audi Can-Bus Forum › Kodi op Raspbian
- Dit onderwerp bevat 96 reacties, 17 deelnemers, en is laatst geüpdatet op 4 jaren, 9 maanden geleden door
13 juni 2018 om 11:04 #115392
Something bad happened to forum? I see there is lack of posts and our discussion about issues in Audi A3 facelift dissapeared…
Jeroen did you find some time to investigate logs from my car? How can I fix CAN issues?
Best regards,
Piotr13 juni 2018 om 11:34 #115397Janssuuh
SleutelbeheerderHi Piotr,
Yes, actually I tried to backup the website which somehow corrupted the database… couldn’t restore latest backup either, so finally my hosting provider helped te restore a 2 weeks old backup :-S
I did make some changes to the function which determines car model / year based on can message (and prints it on settings page).
This is what caused some issues in the previous (test) version.
I’ll try to package this version this week.
It should now send FIS messages to the ID which is also is used by your carkit.
Probably not solving all issues, but should provide some new details in the log.Best regards,
Jeroen13 juni 2018 om 18:48 #115738Corrado
DeelnemerHi Jeroen,
after the Dynamic Coolant Update, my Coolant shows only 0
Did i have to change something in the new coolant file?
btw my log 🙂
23 juni 2018 om 22:56 #118012Janssuuh
SleutelbeheerderHi Piotr,
I got your latest can-dump, thanks for that!
I’ve read you disconnect can-bus from your Raspberry because of the FIS flickering.Actually in the latest Version (44) the script will listen to can-id 65F, which carries your Audi’s model and year.
I add an image of what the script (snippet) would do in your case;So it says ‘8P5’ year of build ‘2013’. This would make the script write FIS messages to 667 and 66B (like your carkit does).
If you disconnect the raspberry from the bus, it would not ‘hear’ the 65F message and picks it’s defaults (265 / 267).
This seems to be what has happend in your log…
(I need to examen your log a bit further to actually see how your carkit behaves.)Then the Development pages;
I picked 2×6 Id’s which seem to be used a lot in your dumps. These I’d wil show up ‘live’ as soon as they are received.
Now the first received messages will be printed in the more grey color. As soon as a message is received on the same Id, with different bytes, those bytes will turn red.
It’s going to be really hard to actually find out what this all means, but it’s for example how I found out where my speed signal is sent (Just because it only starts changing when you start moving! Also you could check these measures when you open doors, move forward / backward, filled up the gas, turning on / off anything…Of course, this will only work with connected can-bus.
Kind regards,
Jeroen4 oktober 2018 om 17:15 #122274peetereczek
DeelnemerGood to hear you again!
I hope you forum will be online now 😉What about development, i put CAN module into only HEARING mode so I can manipulate in interface using RNS-E buttons. In only hear mode there is no flickering on FIS so I can use my radio normally and obviuosly don’t see any car parameters on radio. Unfortunatelly on your development screen nothing appears, there are only one 00 pack. can do more test for you if you wish
Piotr4 oktober 2018 om 23:30 #122277Janssuuh
SleutelbeheerderHi Piotr,
It’s been a while 🙂
I actually had to reassamble the hardware and install Raspbian! But it’s all up and running again!
Tonight I made a little python script which could ‘fake’ send can messages, which were read from a can-log file…
Now I’m afraid with all the restoring backups of my website I lost your logs 🙁 Do you still have a copy of one of your logs?If so, I could reconstruct your case and see why / where there could be an issue…
Thanks and kind regards,
Jeroen5 oktober 2018 om 07:37 #122278peetereczek
DeelnemerI do Jeroen,
Can’t see upload section, so I’m sharing Excel you send me from my Google Drive:
If you may need another log, I can make them for you this weekend. I heard about CAN scanners, maybe I should scan my car’s CAN?
Best regards,
Piotr14 oktober 2018 om 11:52 #122292Dietmar
DeelnemerIf I install RNS_FULL V 0.0.44 for Kodi 17 do I also need to install script.service.JanssuuhRnseBediening and script.service.JanssuuhSendCanToFIS?
14 oktober 2018 om 11:55 #122293Dietmar
DeelnemerDid anyone tried to modify the code for MMI 2G or 3G? The GUI wouldn’t be the problem, but I assume canid’s and values will differ from the RNS-e.
16 oktober 2018 om 23:50 #122340Janssuuh
SleutelbeheerderHi Piotr,
Thanks for your input!
I tested it (made a script which actually sends the exact same data as your car did during the specific log) but did not managed to break anything :S
Also I recorded the can-id pages while running your log/messages. Will post / share this tommorow.I uploaded a new version of the skin (0.0.45) which should be more stable if something unexpected happens. Also if an error occurs it’ll be logged to a (new) ‘error log’ window (you can find this at ‘Settings’ / ‘Configure Audi Rns’ / ‘development mode’).
The raspberry with its can-module is a kind of a can scanner / logger.
If you’d connect it to your car and in terminal you type: [candump can0 -a] it will print all traffic (with -a as parameter for ascii values).I hope with the errorlog page we’ll find out what is going on!
(If it does not find any errors, for a next step we could check if all settings are picked up correctly… You could btw check if ‘System Information’ window shows the correct model / year of your car!)With kind regards,
Jeroen16 oktober 2018 om 23:59 #122341Janssuuh
SleutelbeheerderHi Dietmar,
If you use Full version, you must not install script.service.JanssuuhRnseBediening and script.service.JanssuuhSendCanToFIS!
These functions are built in and would run twice… (resulting in weird behaviour)Btw: If you own a vehicle which uses 2G or 3G protocol and could manage a candump, I’m very interested to examine it for usage with this project! (First part is going to be a challenge… Some cars use an optical connection! You won’t be able to just connect ‘our’ skpang module to this… Als data rates can be different and last but not least; Audi is coding / scrambling this data on purpose, to make it less easy to ‘speak’ to their systems. Though, it’s possible to add OEM hardware, so it must be possible to reconstruct that.)
Kind regards,
Jeroen21 oktober 2018 om 14:38 #122399peetereczek
DeelnemerHi Jeroen,
I see that last update is not making conflict with my CAN anymore! On booting there is one sec of conflict (one blink of BT module), so I assume it’s all normal, script is setting up. A little success, but…
Still there are no data received from car on screen. Connection seems fine, no conflict when can is up, I can see data on Pi console, but there is nothing in the kodi skin. Only 00 in your developer screen, no doors open in carinfo screen ect… No reaction on radio buttons now :/ I have installed only your full skin package, without srcipt.service
Did you updated XML files related to that screens on that update? May it happen that some script is not running? Honestly i changed only python files, without replacing all skin files, should I?
25 oktober 2018 om 11:02 #122424Rui
DeelnemerHi Peter.
I was experiencing that kind of problem, and it was because of the hardpython script.
Please check that when you were setting up the PI, you did not add this lines, because in the full version of the skin they are not needed:sudo nano /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/python_can-1.4.3-py2.7.egg/can/interfaces/
Last command will open editor, which you need to use to add two lines in the correct location:
can.rc[‘interface’] = ‘socketcan_ctypes’
can.rc[‘channel’] = ‘can0’As for the hardpython script, you have to download the zip file from this fórum, in the Python can topic.
1) Then unzip it and rename the folder to “hardbyte-python”.
2) Copy this folder to /home/pi
3) Enter it (cd /home/pi/hardbyte-python)
4) run this command: sudo python install
Another thing is, don’t install retro pie script and follow the tutorial is this site.If any of you start to have problems with usb pendrive detection, on kodi, i found out how to solve it:
1) Install de package: sudo apt-get install usbmount
2) run: sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service
3) Change MountFlags=slave to MountFlags=shared
4) RebootAt the moment in my A4 B6, all is working except for the water values, withe the car off shows 0ºC, but as i start the car it shows 150ºC and goes up and up.
Jeroen, if you see any mistake in this post, please say so.
Best regards, Rui26 oktober 2018 om 21:23 #122430Janssuuh
SleutelbeheerderHi Rui,
Thanks for your input!
I haven’t been able to check changes with the new hardbyte version offered at their website. Indeed it’s a good solution to use the version I once downloaded…Also on the coolant temp there is some info available. I’ll quote an older post:
The ”settings.txt” at location ”/home/pi” per default contains this content:
#Coolant formula details
Coolant Order : 1
Coolant Amount: -32
Coolant Factor : 1.8#End of Coolant formula details
#To restore defaults, just delete settings.txt and rebootThe Order parameter means 1: First execute Amount and then the Factor,
2: First execute Factor and then the Amount.So for example (one of the forum members asked for) it’s editable to:
Coolant Order : 2
Coolant Amount: -48.2
Coolant Factor : 0.8Now the hex value your car produces is factored by 0.8 and after that 48.2 is substracted.
(There is a [tab] after the [:]. Please leave this the way it is and only change the values)
The default -32 is probably because 0 degrees celcius = 32 degrees fahrenheit.
If your engine is of, it might send 0 degrees fahrenheid, which results in your -17 degrees celcius.With kind regards,
Jeroen26 oktober 2018 om 22:19 #122432peetereczek
DeelnemerThank you Rui,
I’ll try to test it at weekend. I hope I’ll find some time… I followed your guide with lite version at the very beggining and later on updated into full version. So definitely what you said is my problem now.
Do you advice me to reinstall whole solution? Or modyfications in scripts will sole my issue now?
@Jeroen, have you found any mark of oil temperature or any other interesting parameters in logs? I’m still thinking if it would be possible to display more live parameters on CAR screen
Best regards,
Piotr -
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